Our fallen soldier’s sacrifices deserve better stewardship of the country they loved. We have squandered and made a mockery of the precious American principles they fought and died for.
Millions of sons and daughters did not give their lives so that America would be a place where the banning and burning of books are sanctioned.
Where poems and stories about the harm done by racism and other forms of bigotry are on the chopping block.
Where American history is erased with the same broad-brush stroke that dismisses whole segments of the population.
Generations of brave soldiers and sailors, nurses, and pilots did not make the ultimate sacrifice so that America could become a country where self-determination has been ceded to state control.
An America where an insurrection and attempted coup on the U.S. Capitol by white supremacist thugs is described by a former president as “a beautiful thing.”
Where the once-hallowed halls of Congress are overrun with fear-mongering dimwits who are dumbing down democracy.
A country where African Americans take their lives in their hands whenever they drive a car and school children fear for their lives sitting in their classrooms. An America where ringing the wrong doorbell can result in death.
A place so violent and dangerous, travel warnings are issued to tourists.
Fascist, divisive discourse has replaced civility, democracy, and decency. The very things our soldiers made the ultimate sacrifice to maintain.
Nazi flags are flown in American towns, and swastikas are etched on buildings. The greatest generation who fought and died on Normandy Beach are turning over in their grave. They wanted to wipe out Nazism, yet at the same time not erase the discussion of them.
This past week an Orange County California elementary school removed any reference to Nazis from its production of the musical Sound of Music. The superintendent of the school ordered that swastika props and “Heil Hitler” salutes be removed from a sixth-grade production of that historical family classic.
Just as we remember our fallen, the history they made must not be forgotten nor watered down. Our soldier’s sacrifice demand that.
Today we pay homage to all the soldiers who didn’t come home, lives lost in the cause of keeping the American principles, we cherish. Let’s not be the generation to lose those.
Let’s honor our fallen vets, by making America, America again.
© Sally Edelstein and Envisioning The American Dream, 2023. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Sally Edelstein and Envisioning The American Dream with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.