Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition! With Joe Biden gearing up to bring us into WWII it’s best to start stocking up on sugar and butter, as rationing and shortages looms in our future. Those leisurely Sunday drives in your De Sotos may soon come to a quick halt as gasoline rationing appears in our near future.
This breaking news was issued by revisionist historian Donald “Loose Lips” Trump who is warning Americans of the looming threat of WWII.
Our shocked nation has barely recovered from the Great War and a worldwide pandemic when this ominous warning was issued by Trump on Friday.
Before you start planting those Victory Gardens, we might want to check the source.
Speaking to religious leaders in Washington, Trump’s gaffe-strewn speech not only confused President Biden with Obama but in a pot-calling-the kettle-black moment, criticized Biden’s cognitive abilities stating Biden would cause WWII.
Keep your radio dialed, Mr. and Mrs. America and all the ships at sea, to the back to the future news.